Effects of226Ra and X-irradiation on the proliferative and differentiative ability of mouse hemopoietic stem cells

The ability of hemopoietic stem cells to repopulate spleens of heavily irradiated syngeneic hosts in form of macroscopically visible clonal colonies of differentiating cells was studied in mice exposed for 32 and 4 weeks to internally deposited226Ra (0.56 and 0.46 µCi per mouse respectively) or to 100 rad X-irradiation. Exocolonizing test and cytological techniques were used for quantitative evaluation. The size of stem cell compartment was reduced and the function of the surviving stem cells was altered by radium and X-ray irradiation. The proliferation and maintenance of hemopoietic cell populations were found to depend not only on the numbers of stem cells but also on their multiplicative and differentiative capability.