A Comparative Study on the use of Virus and Antibody Detection Techniques for the Diagnosis of La Piedad Michoacan Paramyxovirus (LPMV) Infection in Pigs

La Piedad Michoacan paramyxovirus (LPMV) is newly recognized paramyxovirus that has been associated with neurologic and reproductive disorders in pigs in Mexico. To date, no comparative study of methods for the diagnosis of infection with this virus has been published. In this study, we identified tissues containing maximum virus load to optimize virus isolation procedures, and we compared this method to a rapid diagnostic test employing immunostaining of impression smears for LPMV antigens. In addition, several of the available tests for detecting LPMV antibodies were compared for their sensitivity in detecting seroconversion. Pigs used for the study of virus load in tissues and serologic studies were inoculated at 17 days of age with 107.00TCID50of LPMV. Serial blood samples were collected from selected pigs, and selected pigs were necropsied over a 14-day period. Pigs used in the investigation comparing standard virus isolation techniques to immunostaining of impression smears were inoculated at 3 days of age as described above and necropsied over an 8-day period. The results demonstrate that in the 17-day-old pigs maximum virus titers were detected in olfactory bulb at 5 days postinoculation (PI) and in midbrain at 9 days PI. In addition, the most consistent recovery of high titer virus was from tonsil (3–9 days PI) and olfactory bulb (4–9 days PI). Immunostaining of impression smears was as sensitive as virus isolation when selected tissues (lung, midbrain, olfactory bulb) were compared, with virus detected by both methods in 11/13 samples and in 1 sample each by immunostaining and virus isolation, respectively. All of the serology tests investigated detected seroconversion in pigs by 8 days PI. The identification of target organs where highest virus titers are found combined with immunofluorescent methods for the detection of LPMV antigens and a comparative study of the available serologic tests should facilitate the selection of techniques suitable for any laboratory to diagnose LPMV infection in pigs.

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