Children (100) with spina bifida were examined at home and reviewed at the schools they attended. The severity of the handicap had not been appreciated at the time of school entry. Of the 41 children who were over 10 yr of age, 27 had become wheelchair-dependent; 39 of the 100 children had an IQ below 80, and incontinence remained a problem for 68 children; 64 had visual defects, including 2 who were totally blind, 27 with epilepsy and 87 suffering fractures, burns, scalds or pressure sores. Most of the children started at an ordinary school. The teachers had to give a disproportionate amount of attention to the handicapped child, but were themselves often given inadequate information and support. Many children had learning difficulties. As they grew older their incontinence was less tolerated. Wheelchair dependency precluded their admission to an ordinary secondary school with stairs, so the majority of older children attended special schools. Few will enter normal employment, and many will require a period of education and training beyond the usual school-leaving age. The education of such children should include realistic goals and produce the maximum degree of self-care.