The advent of caller identification (CID) services has brought additional complexity to the issue of telephone privacy. Federal hearings and other documents written between 1988 and 1996 are analyzed to create a typology of possible harms caused by CID, including the potential for CID to be used in the stalking of women by abusive men. Four examples of CID usage that led to a murder of a spouse or lover were located through NEXIS searches of electronic newspaper archives. Analysis of these cases suggest that: stalking has not been a common feature of murder cases involving CID; men have been equally likely to be victims as women; half of the cases have taken place in one of the two states with no restrictions on CID; in half the cases it was the misinterpretation of CID information, rather than the data itself, that led to the murders; and in half the cases the victim's CID device was used against them.