Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Carcinoma-in-situ and Dysplasias of the Uterine Cervix

The chromosomes were examined in preparations made directly (without culture) from biopsy material from the affected area in 8 cases with presumptive precancerous change (carcinoma-in-situ or dysplasia) of the cervix uteri and one of the vagina. The 8 cervical lesions were entirely intraepithelial, but the vaginal one was associated with a small invasive carcinoma. In every case there were variations in the chromosome count, sometimes with abnormal modal values suggesting new clone formation. In most of those cells in which karyotype analysis could be performed, there was an abnormal distribution in the Patau groups with little evidence of structural changes. In one case, an abnormal clone of cells was identifiable by a long marker chromosome. It is concluded that extensive chromosomal rearrangements and adaptations are taking place in precancerous epithelium, often for years before the onset of carcinoma.