Application of nonresonance excitation to ion trap tandem mass spectrometry and selected ejection chemical ionization

Nonresonance excitation is a universal ion excitation and ejection method in which increased ion kinetic energy is achieved by the combination of an axial dc dipole and the rf trapping fields. The method does not require the applied excitation frequency to match with the secular frequency of the precursor ions to effect collision-induced dissociation (CID) for tandem mass spectrometry applications. Therefore, it is free of the effects of secular frequency changes caused by space-charge and simplifies the optimization of tandem mass spectrometry parameters when combined with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Computer simulations show that in contrast to the resonance excitation process, the nonresonance excitation process is able to accelerate thermal ions to kinetic energies in excess of 40 eV in a few microseconds. Based on simulations, we expect that the rapid deposition of energy by this method may allow the study, in ion traps, of high energy decomposition channels of precursor ions with multiple decomposition channels. Furthermore, the method is able to simultaneously excite multiple precursor ions, for example, excite both analyte and its coeluting isotopically labeled internal standard for GC-MS/MS analysis. A GC-MS/MS analysis of 100 pg of n-butylbenzene is demonstrated with a signal-to-noise ratio of 3624, which is over an order of magnitude higher than the signal-to-noise ratio of 345 obtained by full scan gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In addition, the nonresonance excitation method can be used as a low pass mass filter in the chemical ionization (CI) mode to eject undesired fragment ions that result from direct electron ionization. This new CI method, selected ejection chemical ionization, can produce a CI spectrum without contamination of sample fragment ions from electron ionization.

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