Linear momentum transfer in 292-MeVinduced20fission ofHo165,Ta181,Au197,Bi209, andU238

Angular correlations of fragments both in and out of the reaction plane from 292-MeV induced20 fission of Ho165, Ta181, Au197, Bi209, and U238 have been measured. The correlated data have been evaluated in terms of a full linear momentum transfer component and less than full linear momentum components. The method of evaluation has also been applied to other available data for 16 and induced20 reactions. The maximum angular momentum lFLMT associated with full linear momentum transfer for the systems analyzed agrees with the predictions of a classical dynamical model based on the proximity nuclear potential and one-body nuclear friction. Because of projectile breakup, the angular momentum distribution in the composite nucleus is markedly distorted from the (2l+1) distribution expected for full linear momentum transfer.