Embryonic Development in Turkey Eggs Laid 60-224 Days Following Removal of Males

A retarded type of embryonic development occurred in 16.7% of the Beltsville Small White turkey eggs laid 54-224 days after the females were separated from males. This development in most instances could not be detected macroscopically earlier than the 4th day of incubation. The embryonic membranes usually discontinued their growth after covering an area of the yolk equal to that occupied by a normal 2-to 3-day turkey embryo. In most instances no embryo could be detected macroscopically although serial cross sections showed an organization on the part of centrally located cells. Two living embryos were found in eggs laid 78 and 98 days, respectively, after the hens were separated from the males. These embryos, after 8 days of incubation, had attained a size equivalent to a normal 4-day turkey embryo. A 7-day embryo, with a well-developed vascular system was also found in an egg which had been incubated 11 days. This egg was laid 195 days after the female had been separated from males.

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