Transfer of Tn925 and plasmids between Bacillus subtilis and alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus OF4 during Tn925-mediated conjugation

Conjugative transposon Tn925 was transferred to alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus OF4 during mating experiments, as monitored by the acquisition of tetracycline resistance at pH 7.5 and confirmed by Southern analysis of chromosomal DNA from transconjugants. Tetracycline resistance could not be demonstrated at pH 10.5, but transconjugants retained resistance upon growth at pH 7.5 after having grown for several generations at pH 10. When the Bacillus subtilis donor strain contained plasmids, either pUB110 or pTV1, in addition to Tn925, transfer of the plasmid to the alkaliphile occurred during conjugation, either together with or independently of the transfer of the transposon. The plasmids were stable in B. firmus OF4, expressing their resistance markers for kanamycin or chloramphenicol at pH 7.5 after growth of the transformants at high pH. Transconjugant B. firmus OF4, which carried Tn925, could serve as the donor in mating experiments with B. subtilis lacking the transposon. These studies establish a basis for initiation of genetic studies in this alkaliphilic Bacillus species, including the introduction of cloned genes and the use of transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis.