A study of runaway electron confinement in the ASDEX tokamak

The results of runaway electron confinement experiments from ASDEX are analysed to elucidate the structure of electromagnetic turbulence which may cause anomalous electron heat transport in the L-mode confinement regime. From a simple model, the radial correlation length (W) of the magnetic turbulence is determined to be about 1 mm. Using this value and that of the experimentally deduced electron thermal diffusivity, the authors determine the radial magnetic fluctuation level at the plasma edge in the L-mode to be (r/B0) ~ 2 × 10−4. Scalings of W and r/B0 are deduced from parameter scans. From a comparison of these results with the predictions of various theoretical models, it is concluded that skin depth turbulence, electromagnetic drift wave turbulence, rippling modes, and microtearing modes are inferior candidates and that resistive ballooning modes offer the best possibility for a consistent interpretation of the data.