The excretion pattern of biliverdin and bilirubin in bile of the small skate (Raja erinacea)

Bile pigment composition (biliverdin, bilirubin and their conjugates) was analyzed in stored gallbladder bile and newly synthesized hepatic bile from the small skate (Raja erinacea). During a five day period of captivity, gallbladder volume remained relatively constant while bilirubin and biliverdin content increased two to three fold. Biliverdin which accounted for 50% of the pigments did not increase as a percentage of tetrapyrroles during this period. The relative proportion of bilirubin and its conjugates also remained constant, averaging 65% for bilirubin monoglucuronide, 30% for bilirubin diglucuronide and 5% for unconjugated bilirubin as measured by HPLC methods. Intravenous administration of biliverdin resulted in significant increases in the biliary excretion of both biliverdin and all bilirubin tetrapyrroles. Insignificant quantities of3H-biliverdin were detected in hepatic bile following the intravenous administration of3H-bilirubin. These studies indicate that the small skate excreted both biliverdin and bilirubin conjugates in bile and that the biliverdin was not produced by in vitro oxidation of bilirubin or its metabolites.