In neutrinoless double-β decay, the contributions of two virtual Majorana neutrinos with opposite CP parity will interfere destructively. This makes it evident that the amplitudes for reactions involving Majorana particles contain significant new phase factors, reflecting the special discrete-symmetry properties of these particles. To study this phenomenon, we derive and examine the CPT, CP, and C properties of Majorana particles. We then apply these properties, especially to the study of neutrinoless double-β decay, and to the neutral weak and electromagnetic interactions of Majorana particles. We show how the new phase factors in the Feynman amplitudes for Majorana-particle processes arise, and see that their precise form and location within these amplitudes depends on one's choice of formalism. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.30.1023 ©1984 American Physical Society