Mapping of the Dilute-Opisthotonus(dop) Gene on Chromosome 8 of the Rat.

The rat dilute-opisthotonus (dop) autosomal recessive gene, causing ataxia and coat color dilution, was mapped on chromosome 8 by PCR-amplified microsatellite markers. To facilitate the linkage analysis, an intersubspecific cross with a Japanese wild rat strain was used. The recombination frequencies were 12.8% between Apoc3 and dop, and 32.1% between dop and Mylc1v. The following order of three genes is proposed; Apoc3-dop-Mylc1v. This mutation appears to be homologous to dilute-lethal (dl) of the mouse in terms of clinical symptoms, coat color effect and chromosomal location of the gene loci.