Shear-rate dependence of the viscosity of the Lennard-Jones liquid at the triple point

High-precision molecular-dynamics (MD) data are reported for the shear viscosity η of the Lennard-Jones liquid at its triple point, as a function of the shear rate ε̇ for a large system (N=2048). The Green-Kubo (GK) value η(ε̇=0)=3.24±0.04 is estimated from a run of 3.6×106 steps (40 nsec). We find no numerical evidence of a t3/2 long-time tail for the GK integrand (stress-stress time-correlation function). From our nonequilibrium MD results, obtained both at small and large values of ε̇, a consistent picture emerges that supports an analytical (quadratic at low shear rate) dependence of the viscosity on ε̇.