Zeeman Effect of No-PhononA2g4−T2g4Transition ofCr3+in TiO2

The site symmetry of Cr3+ in TiO2 is D2h which splits the cubic (Oh)T2g4 state into B1g4, B2g4, and B3g4. Spin-orbit interaction further splits these states into six Kramers doublets all of symmetry Γ5+. Previous optical work on TiO2: Cr3+ established the lowest-lying sharp lines at 12 685 and 12 732 cm1 as no-phonon lines of magnetic dipole character. It proposed these lines as due to transitions between the A2g4 ground state and two of the above six states. The present report extends this work by a Zeeman study, in emission, at 4 K of the line at 12 685 cm1. The results are: The Zeeman splitting of this line identifies the excited state of this transition as the Ms=±32 spin-orbit component of an orbital state consisting of 77%B2g4, 17%B1g4, and 6%B3g4 with an effective g=1.73. Furthermore, the line at 12 732 cm1 is identified as the Ms=±12 spin-orbit component by its effect in second order in the magnetic field on the Zeeman pattern of the line at 12 685 cm1. For the excited state the spin is quantized along the x direction of the magnetic axes while for the ground state it is quantized along the z direction. The reason for spin quantization along the x axis is discussed.