Teacher-Student Correlates of Goal Expectations

The rank-order of importance of a set of educational goals to a sample of 134 adult high school students, composed of com pleters and dropouts, was assessed by 22 teachers of adults to determine how perceptive they were of the differences that exist between completer's and dropout's reasons for enrolling in adult education. Significantly strong associations were observed in the ways teachers and completers assessed the importance of the goals (rho=.78, df=9, p<.01) and the ways teachers and dropouts assessed the importance of the goals (rho=.65, df=9, p<.05). However, marked differences were observed within sets of ranks indicating that teachers and students had significantly different view-points concerning the importance of some of the goals to completers and dropouts. When length of teaching time was con trolled, experienced teachers were found more likely to misjudge the importance of the overall set of goals to the dropouts (rho=.57, NS).