Even-parity levels of neutral barium located in the vicinity of the first ionization limit 6s have been investigated by using a two-step pulsed-laser excitation with optogalvanic detection. From the metastable states 5d6s populated by a dc discharge in a heat-pipe vapor, we reach the 6snl even-Rydberg series with J equal to 0 to 5 and all the levels of the 5d6d and 5d7d configurations via the intermediate 5d6p levels. The 6snsS13 (13n47) and 6sndD13 (12n38) series are observed for the first time with five perturbers assigned to 5d8sD13, 5d7dD13, S13, P11, and P13. The 6sndD33 (11n24) series is perturbed by five levels 5d8sD33, 5d7dG33, F31, D33, and F33. The fine structure of the 6dngG1,3 series is partially resolved in the vicinity of the perturbing 5d7d J=3,4, and 5 levels. Semiempirical calculations using Racah's method have allowed us to understand the observed energies of the levels belonging to 5d6d and 5d7d configurations and to remove the ambiguity which was subsisting in the literature for the energy position of the 6p2S01 level.