High Energy Gamma-Gamma Cross Section ofIn115

Several photonuclear reactions induced in indium by the x-rays from a 25-Mev betatron have been measured. Special attention has been given to the reaction In115(γ, γ)In115*. Applying proper corrections, it was found that this reaction has a shape similar to the shape found in the usual photonuclear reactions. This experiment shows that 1 in 7 de-excitations of an excited indium nucleus decays by γ-emission. The (γ, n) reaction in In115 has been measured and was found to have 0.42 Mev-barn for the integrated cross section, in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The ratio of the cross sections for production of the isomeric and ground states of In114 has also been studied. It was found that transitions to the isomeric state of In114 are highly favored, as would be expected from an analysis of the spin changes involved. The cross section for the reaction In115(γ, 2n)In113* has been measured and the ratio of this cross section to the (γ, n) reaction is compared with that predicted by statistical theory.