Chromosomal mapping of the mink cell focus-inducing and xenotropic env gene family in the mouse.

Chromosomal locations of members of the xenotropic-related env gene family in the mouse genome were determined. Endonuclease restriction site polymorphisms detected by molecular hybridization were used to study the inheritance of mink cell-focus inducing an xenotropic env gene-related sequences in recombinant inbred strains of mice. Some of the endogenous env sequences appear to be closely linked to genes determining [murine] leukemia virus induction and to genes involved in the immune response, such as the H and L chains of the Ig molecules or allotypic determinants on B and T lymphocytes. The use of probes that detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms in a small family of dispersed sequences promises to yield a large number of markers that can be used together with recombinant inbred strains for efficient mapping of the mouse genome.