CUB Domain-Containing Protein 1 Is a Novel Regulator of Anoikis Resistance in Lung Adenocarcinoma

Malignant tumor cells frequently achieve resistance to anoikis, a form of apoptosis induced by detachment from the basement membrane, which results in the anchorage-independent growth of these cells. Although the involvement of Src family kinases (SFKs) in this alteration has been reported, little is known about the signaling pathways involved in the regulation of anoikis under the control of SFKs. In this study, we identified a membrane protein, CUB-domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1), as an SFK-binding phosphoprotein associated with the anchorage independence of human lung adenocarcinoma. Using RNA interference suppression and overexpression of CDCP1 mutants in lung cancer cells, we found that tyrosine-phosphorylated CDCP1 is required to overcome anoikis in lung cancer cells. An apoptosis-related molecule, protein kinase Cδ, was found to be phosphorylated by the CDCP1-SFK complex and was essential for anoikis resistance downstream of CDCP1. Loss of CDCP1 also inhibited the metastatic potential of the A549 cells in vivo. Our findings indicate that CDCP1 is a novel target for treating cancer-specific disorders, such as metastasis, by regulating anoikis in lung adenocarcinoma.