Synthesis of DNA in the Liver and Testes of Cadmium-Treated Partially Hepatectomized Rats

Cadmium affects the induction of thymidine and thymidylate kinases in regenerating rat liver. EDTA administered simultaneously with cadmium reverses its inhibitory action on enzyme synthesis, and prevents the depression of thymidine incorporation into DNA observed in cadmium-treated animals. Zinc does not abolish the inhibitory action of cadmium on the synthesis of DNA in regenerating liver, and the incorporation of thymidine into DNA in the testes was inhibited more by intraperitoneal injection of cadmium plus zinc than by injection of cadmium alone. Inhibition of thymidine incorporation into DNA in the liver and testes was proportional to the amount of cadmium administered up to about 2 mg CdCl2/kg body weight, but surprisingly, higher doses of cadmium caused less inhibition.