Skeletal muscle growth is stimulated by intermittent stretch-relaxation in tissue culture

Avian pectoralis muscle cells differentiated in vitro are mechanically stimulated by repetitive stretch-relaxation of the cell's substratum using a computerized mechanical cell stimulator device. Initiation of mechanical stimulation increases the efflux of creatine kinase from the cells during the first 8-10 h of activity, but the efflux rate returns to control levels after this time period. Decreased total cell protein content accompanies the temporary elevation of creatine kinase efflux. With continued mechanical stimulation for 48-72 h, total cell protein loss recovers and significantly increases in medium supplemented with serum and embryo extract. Myotube diameters increase and cell hyperplasia occurs in the stimulated cultures. In basal medium without supplements, mechanical activity prevents myotube atrophy but does not lead to cell growth. Mechanically induced growth is accompanied by significant increases in protein synthesis rates. The increases in protein synthesis and accumulation induced by mechanical stimulation are not inhibited by tetrodotoxin but are significantly reduced in basal medium without supplements. Mechanically stimulated cell growth is thus dependent on medium growth factors but independent of electrical activity.