Immunohistochemical localization of rhodanese

The role of rhodanese in the detoxication of acute cyanide exposure is controversial. The debate involves questions of the availability of rhodanese to cyanide in the peripheral circulation. Blood-borne cyanide will distribute to the brain and may induce lesions or even death. The present study addresses the dispute by determining the distribution of rhodanese in tissues considered to have the highest rhodanese activity and thought to serve as major detoxication sites. The results indicate that rhodanese levels are highest in (1) hepatocytes that are in close proximity to the blood supply of the liver (2) epithelial cells surrounding the bronchioles (a major entry route for gaseous cyanide) and (3) proximal tubule cells of the kidney (serving to facilitate cyanide detoxication and elimination as thiocyanate). Rhodanese activity in the brain is low compared with liver and kidney (Mimoriet al., 1984; Drawbaugh & Marrs, 1987); the brain is not considered to be a major site of cyanide detoxication. The brain, however, is the target for cyanide toxicity. In this study our goal was also to differentiate the distribution of rhodanese in an area of the brain. We found that the enzyme level is highest in fibrous astrocytes of the white matter. Cyanide-induced brain lesions may thus occur in areas of the brain lacking sufficient sites for detoxication.