Uric acid levels in southern Germany in 1989

Since 1962 our group has performed four studies on uric acid values in blood donors in southern Germany (Bavaria). Uric acid levels in men have increased over the years, from 4.86 mg/dl in 1962 to 6.00 mg/dl in 1971, 5.60 mg/dl in 1984, and 5.90 mg/dl in 1989. Levels in women have increased slightly, from 4.05 mg/dl in 1962 to 4.35 mg/dl in 1971, 4.10 mg/dl in 1984, and 4.16 mg/dl in 1989. Women aged 51 to 60 years had significantly higher uric acid levels than those in the fourth decade. In women treated with oral contraceptives uric acid levels were significantly lower than in other women of the same age. Hypouricemia (uric acid levels ≤2.0 mg/dl) was observed in three women, none of whom had a history of medication. Hyperuricemia exists when uric acid levels are ≥6.5 mg/dl. In 1989 2.6% of the female blood donors and 28.6% of the males were hyperuricemic, with an increased risk of gout, nephrolithiasis, and nephropathy.