Non-Specific Adsorption of Hydrocarbons on Microporous Surfaces: A Comprehensive Molecular-Statistical/Chromatographic Approach

The results are presented of a series of investigations concerning the application of the molecular-statistical approach to the calculation of thermodynamic quantities for the adsorption of molecules in the Henry region on adsorbent surfaces possessing certain surface symmetry properties, and in particular for systems characterized by dispersion and polarization attraction and short-range atom-atom repulsion. Computational methods have been developed and the results for particular adsorption systems are presented with emphasis on the adsorption properties of layer silicates. Good correspondence between the calculated results and chromatographic data for a number of adsorbents strongly supports the view that the combination of chromatographic and molecular-statistical methods provides a powerful tool for the investigation of the structural and adsorption-selective characteristics of surface-porous adsorbents.