The pattern of projections of peripheral receptors to the neocortex in the second somesthetic receiving area (SII) was mapped in raccoons. The purpose was to determine if the projection area of peripheral receptors to the forepaw area in the SII region is disproportionally enlarged as it is in SI. Tungsten microelectrode recording procedures were used to map thoroughly the inferior wall of the suprasylvian sulcus for regions responsive to mechanical stimulation of peripheral receptors. The results show that: 1 The forepaw area in SII shows an enlargement commensurate with that found in the SI. This suggests that those factors that are selective for tactile acuity of the raccoon forepaw were operating in the evolution of SII as they were in SI. 2 The somatotopic organization of mechanoreceptive projections to SII is reversed mediolaterally compared to previous descriptions of this arrangement in other mammals: projections form axial structures lie medially and those from apical structures lie laterally along the inferior bank of the suprasylvian sulcus in the raccoon.