Emission-line intensities have been measured photoelectrically for 35 planetary nebulae in the spectral region 3400-7400 A. Reddening-corrected observations of the lower Balmer decrement agree well with theoretical calculations. There is also generally good agreement between the electron temperatures and densities determined from different forbidden-line intensity ratios, although there are some cases of systematic disagreement, especially in the case of forbidden O II. Electron temperatures based on the strength of the Balmer continuum are consistent with those found from forbidden lines. Bowen fluorescent efficiencies calculated from the 3444-A/4686-A intensity ratio are generally close to the predicted value of 0.5, but two nebulae with low efficiencies should be investigated theoretically. Two or three of the nebulae (VV 8, M 3-27, and possibly Hb 12) are undergoing Balmer-line self-absorption and have a wide range of electron temperatures and densities within them.

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