IN A PREVIOUS communication,1 the electroencephalographic findings in sickle cell anemia were reported. Included in this study were eight patients who presented an exacerbation of the symptomatology of sickle cell disease and who, therefore, were considered to be in a state of sickle cell crisis. Since the electroencephalograms were abnormal for all eight of these patients, we felt that further evaluation of electroencephalographic patterns of patients with sickle cell crisis was indicated. It is the purpose of this paper to present a heretofore unreported electroencephalographic finding and to analyze the electroencephalograms of 12 additional patients who had been hospitalized with signs and symptoms of sickle cell crisis. Evidence has been presented previously to correlate the nature of brain potentials with clinical manifestations in those patients with central nervous system symptoms of sickle cell anemia. METHODS The diagnosis of sickle cell anemia was established definitely in each case before it

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