Deuteron-Deuteron, Proton-Helium, and Deuteron-Helium Scattering

Measurements have been made on deuteron-deuteron scattering at angles between 20° and 45° for incident deuteron energies of 832, 720, and 614 kv. In this range of angles and energies the ratio of the observed scattering to that predicted by classical theory, as modified according to Mott to take account of the identity of the particles, is always greater than unity. At 832 kv the ratio increases from 1.28 at 15° to 3.98 at 45°. This anomaly is of the type to be expected if there is present a short range repulsive force between the particles in addition to the Coulomb force. The scattering of protons in helium was in agreement with the Rutherford-Darwin scattering formula for 994-kv protons in the angular range from 20° to 45°. The scattering of deuterons in helium showed an anomaly which increased from about unity at 20° to 4.4 at 75°. This anomaly also indicates an additional repulsive nuclear force between the deuteron and helium particles.