Loss of Freshwater Shellfish After Water Drawdown in Lake Sebasticook, Maine

Water drawdown to improve water quality of Lake Sebasticook, Maine, exposed virtually all mussel habitat and stranded freshwater mussels. Populations of adult (6- to 18-year-old) eastern elliptio (Elliptio complanata) and eastern lamp mussel (Lampsilis radiata), which had a combined density of 1.4 ± 0.4 m−2 in water 2 to 4 m deep, largely disappeared after drawdown. They survived only near the lake's inlet, and here the population declined from 1.9 m−2 to 0.14 m−2 in the following year. The movement rate of 1 to 16 mm min−1 of the elliptio would have allowed escape to open water as the water receded; however the movement was random.