A confidential enquiry into emergency hospital admissions on the Isle of Wight, UK.

OBJECTIVES: To quantify the proportion of potentially avoidable emergency short term admissions to hospital and to identify ways in which they could have been avoided. DESIGN: Confidential enquiry by peer review group. SETTING: St Mary's Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight. SUBJECTS: All emergency, short term admissions (discharged home within five days) to medicine, general surgery, orthopaedics, gynaecology, ENT, and ophthalmology specialties for 28 (24 hour) days over a six month period in 1994. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Appropriateness of admissions decided by the peer group, the peer group's opinion of ideal management, and the patients' views on the appropriateness of their admission. RESULTS: Altogether 139 cases satisfied the inclusion criteria. Complete data were collected on 123 cases and the peer group considered 81 in the time available. Twenty one of the 81 cases were judged "potentially avoidable". These represent 9.5% (95% CI 6.3%, 13.5%) of short term admissions to the specialties studied. The peer group considered that seven of 10 patients referred by a general practitioner (GP) could have been managed by the GP alone and that the remaining three had been referred appropriately but need not have been admitted had a consultant opinion been available in the accident and emergency (A&E) department. Two of the 10 would have required home support to avoid hospital admission. Five of 11 patients who referred themselves to A&E could have been discharged home without admission and without recourse to a specialist opinion. The remaining six could have been discharged had a consultant opinion been available in A&E. CONCLUSIONS: Urgent consultant opinion, either in A&E or in an outpatient clinic, would have prevented most of these inappropriate admissions, and home support would have expedited the ability to discharge some patients. Further research into the costs and benefits of methods for providing these services is needed urgently.