Is avoidance of surgery possible in patients with perimenopausal ovarian tumors using transvaginal ultrasound and duplex color Doppler sonography?

A total of 108 cases of small perimenopausal ovarian tumors (largest diameter, less than 7 cm) were evaluated by transvaginal sonography and duplex color Doppler sonography; 101 had criteria for benignity and 7 for malignancy. All cysts were punctured and aspirated to avoid unnecessary surgery (benign cases) and establish the cytologic diagnosis as well as to avoid the risk of leakage (malignant cases). Recurrence rate of benign punctured cysts was 25% within 1 year of follow up. No difference in recurrent rate was seen between pre- and postmenopausal patients (19 of 56 cases in the premenopausal group, and five of 28 cases in the postmenopausal group). The larger the cyst, the greater the risk of recurrence. Puncture and aspiration of seven sonographically established malignant tumors allowed cytologic diagnosis before surgery, and no evidence of leakage was noted at the time of surgery. No significant differences were observed between cytologic and histopathologic findings in cases that went to surgery. Puncture and aspiration of small endometriomas (17 cases) was found to be inefficient for therapeutic purposes. Finally, owing to the high percentage of unsatisfactory cytologic results (20%) with cyst aspiration, vaginal and color Doppler sonography seemed more efficient in distinguishing between benignity and malignancy.
Funding Information
  • Fondo de lnvestigaciones Cientificas de la Seguridad Social (91/ 0274)

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