Direct Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders as a Probe of New Physics

We examine the effect of an anomalous flavor changing chromomagnetic moment which allows direct top quark production (two partons combining into an unaccompanied single top quark in the s-channel) at hadron colliders. We consider both t-c-g and t-u-g couplings. We find that the anomalous charm quark coupling parameter $\kappa_c / \Lambda$ can be measured down to $.06 TeV^{-1}(.009 TeV^{-1}$) at the Tevatron with the Main Injector upgrade(LHC). The anomalous up quark coupling parameter $\kappa_u / \Lambda$ can be measured to $.02 TeV^{-1}(.003 TeV^{-1}$) at the Tevatron(LHC).

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