Molecular map of Chromosome 19 including three genes affecting bleeding time: ep, ru, and bm

The mouse ruby eye (ru) and pale ear (ep) pigment dilution genes cause platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD) and prolonged bleeding times. The brachymorphic (bm) gene, in addition to causing skeletal abnormalities, is also associated with prolonged bleeding times. All three hemorrhagic genes are found within 10 cM on Chromosome (Chr) 19. In this study, 15 microsatellite markers and five cDNAs, spanning 21 cM of Chr 19, were mapped in relation to the bm, ep, and ru genes in 457 progeny of an interspecific backcross utilizing the highly inbred strain PWK derived from the Mus musculus musculus species. Several markers were found to be closely linked to the three genes and should be useful as entry points in their eventual molecular identification.