The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CYCD2;1 gene introduced in genomic form increased cell formation in the Arabidopsis root apex and leaf, while generating full-length mRNA, raised CDK/CYCLIN enzyme activity, reduced G1-phase duration, and reduced size of cells at S phase and division. Other cell cycle genes, CDKA;1, CYCLIN B;1, and the cDNA form of CYCD2;1 that produced an aberrantly spliced mRNA, produced smaller or zero increases in CDK/CYCLIN activity and did not increase the number of cells formed. Plants with a homozygous single insert of genomic CYCD2;1 grew with normal morphology and without accelerated growth of root or shoot, not providing evidence that cell formation or CYCLIN D2 controls growth of postembryonic vegetative tissues. At the root apex, cells progressed normally from meristem to elongation, but their smaller size enclosed less growth and a 40% reduction in final size of epidermal and cortical cells was seen. Smaller elongated cell size inhibited endoreduplication, indicating a cell size requirement. Leaf cells were also smaller and more numerous during proliferation and epidermal pavement and palisade cells attained 59% and 69% of controls, whereas laminas reached normal size. Autonomous control of expansion was therefore not evident in abundant cell types that formed tissues of root or leaf. Cell size was reduced by a greater number formed in a tissue prior to cell and tissue expansion. Initiation and termination of expansion did not correlate with cell dimension or number and may be determined by tissue-wide signals acting across cellular boundaries.

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