Growth and metabolic properties of Bacteroides intermedius in anaerobic continuous culture

Two strains of Bacteroide intermedius BH20/30 and BH18/23, have been grown in anaerobic continuous culture under various conditions for periods up to 54 days. Strain BH20/30 grew over a relatively wide pH range from 5-8 with a maximum at pH 7.0 at a dilution rate (D) of 0.1 h-1 with a glucose limitation, while strain BH18/23 had an optimum between 5.8 and 7.3 and would not grow above and below this range. The maximum growth rate (.mu.max) for the latter strain was shown to be 0.23 h-1, or a doubling time of 3.0 at the upper limit of pH 7.3. The yield values (Yglucose) for strain BH18/23 reached 187-177 g cells (dry weight) per mole of glucose in the optimum pH range (6.0-7.0) and amino acid analysis of the spent medium indicated that these high values were the result of the combined use of glucose and amino acids; the cultures also exhibited proteolytic activity. The major acid end-products in the same pH range were formate and succinate with lesser concentrations of acetate isovalerage and fumarate; small amounts of lactate appeared as the cells were stressed at pH values above 7.5 when the culture was ''washing out'' of the chemostat. Glucose metabolism appeared to function through the glycolytic pathway in B. intermedius BH18/23 since the glycolytic inhibitors, sodium fluoride and sodium iodoacetate, completely inhibited glucose utilization as did the proton ionophore, gramicidin, and the ATPase inibitor, N,N1-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). Inhibition by these latter compounds indicated that the saccharolytic Bacteroides utilize proton gradients generated by proton-extruding ATPase (H+/ATPase) to conserve energy. B. intermedius BH18/23 was shown to possess activity in membrane preparations for enzyme II (glucose) of the P-enolypyruvate phosphotransferase system (PTS) indicating that sugar transport by the organism occurs, at least in part, by this group translocation process.