Statistical evaluation of dendritic growth models

A mathematical model (Kliemann, W. 1987.Bull. math. Biol. 49, 135–152.) that predicts the quantitative branching pattern of dendritic tree was evaluated using the apical and basal dendrites of rat hippocampal neurons. The Wald statistics for χ2-test was developed for the branching pattern of dendritic trees and for the distribution of the maximal order of the tree. Using this statistic, we obtained a reasonable, but not excellent, fit of the mathematical model for the dendritic data. The model's predictability of branching patterns was greatly enhanced by replacing one of the assumptions used for the original model “splitting of branches for all dendritic orders is stochastically independent”, with a new assumption “branches are more likely to split in areas where there is already a high density of branches”. The modified model delivered an excellent fit for basal dendrites and for the apical dendrites of hippocampal neurons from young rats (30–34 days postpartum). This indicates that for these cells the development of dendritic patterns is the result of a purely random and a systematic component, where the latter one depends on the density of dendritic branches in the brain area considered. For apical dendrites there is a trend towards decreasing pattern predictability with increasing age. This appears to reflect the late arrival of afferents and subsequent synaptogenesis proximal on the apical dendritic tree of hippocampal neurons.