Archetypal healing

With emphasis on healing versus curing, the authors draw from a wide assortment of treatment methods for psychospiritual relief of pain in the terminally ill. These archetypal methods include: • Life-review therapy; • Ministry of presence; • Clinical hypnosis; • Myths, symbols, rituals, and community; • Creative therapies. In life-review therapy, the ill per-son shares his/her life story with the provider much like the healing rituals of the ancient storyteller did in his community. In the ministry of presence, the caregiver focuses on sharing his vulnerability, not his professional skills. Clinical hypnosis emphasizes the naturalness and simplicity of accessing the unconscious along with problem areas of the hypnoclinician. Myths, symbols, rituals, and community serve as nurturing agents in the intervention of pain, while creative the rapies such as music, drama, crafts, and art continue to be powerful healing instruments. Archetypal healing produces relief of pain in the care give, as well as the ill, with emphasis on healing versus curing.

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