Calcium and cell cycle control

The cell division cycle of the early sea urchin embryo is basic. Nonetheless, it has control points in common with the yeast and mammalian cell cycles, at START, mitosis ENTRY and mitosis EXIT. Progression through each control point in sea urchins is triggered by transient increases in intracellular free calcium. The Cai transients control cell cycle progression by translational and post-translational regulation of the cell cycle control proteins pp34 and cyclin. The START Cai transient leads to phosphorylation of pp34 and cyclin synthesis. The mitosis ENTRY Cai transient triggers cyclin phosphorylation. The motosis EXIT transient causes destruction of phosphorylated cyclin. We compare cell cycle regulation by calcium in sea urchin embryos to cell cycle regulation in other eggs and oocytes and in mammalian cells.