The retirement experiences of elite, female gymnasts

This study explored the retirement experiences of elite, female gymnasts using qualitative methodology. Despite the extensive research that exists on athletic retirement, no previous study has involved this particular group of athletes. It was hypothesized that elite, female gymnasts face unique challenges upon retirement as a result of the young ages at which they begin and end their competitive careers. Seven former national and international level female gymnasts participated in an in-depth interview. An inductive analysis revealed that retirement may be conceptualized in the phases of Retirement (exit from sport), Nowhere Land, and New Beginnings. Five of the seven participants experienced difficult transitions, characterized by feelings of disorientation, void, and frustration. The findings indicate that the distinction between voluntary and involuntary retirement is unclear and that athletes who retire of their own volition are not necessarily exempt from adjustment difficulties. Developmental theories are applied to explain the identity confusion reported by the gymnasts. Recommendations are made for enhancing the ability of young athletes to meet developmental challenges while participating in elite sport. Furthermore, the use of qualitative methodologies in sport psychology research is recommended to facilitate our understanding of athletes’ idiosyncratic experiences.