High Energy Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts

  • 3 January 2003
We treat high-energy neutrino production in GRBs. Detailed calculations of photomeson neutrino production are presented for the collapsar model, where internal nonthermal synchrotron radiation is the primary target photon field, and the supranova model, where external pulsar-wind synchrotron radiation provides important additional target photons. Detection of > 10 TeV neutrinos from GRBs with Doppler factors > 200, inferred from gamma-ray observations, would support the supranova model. Detection of < 10 TeV neutrinos is possible for neutrinos formed from nuclear production. Only the most powerful bursts at fluence levels > 3x10^{-4} erg/cm^2 offer a realistic prospect for detection of muon neutrinos.

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