The rate of net CO2 fixation in Lemna gibba L. was decreased to 50% by 100–150 min incubation in the presence of 0⋅5 mol m−3 L-methionine-D,L-Sulphoximine (MSO), an irreversible inhibitor of glutasnine synthetase (GS). The pattern of inhibition was similar in both 21% O2 and 2% O2. The inhibition was accompanied by increased intracellular NH4+ levels. Incubation with 10 mol m−3NH4+ under the same conditions, but without MSO, resulted in even higher NH4+ levels but the rate of CO2 fixation was unaffected. Additions of glutamine, glutamate, glycine or serine delayed the MSO-induced inhibition of CO2 fixation. The same amino acids delayed the inactivation of GS by MSO. Thus inhibition of CO2 fixation by MSO in Lemna is neither caused by elevated NH4+ levels nor closely related to photorespiration. Possibly, MSO causes shortage of amino-N for maintenance of the functional integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus.