A comparison of maximum length and Legendre sequences for the derivation of brain-stem auditory-evoked responses at rapid rates of stimulation

Experiments were performed in which brain-stem auditory-evoked responses (BAERs) were elicited by two types of pseudorandom pulse trains:maximum length sequences (MLS) and Legendre sequences (LGS). In experiment 1, each pulse sequence was presented at 50 dB nHL with minimum pulse intervals varying from 1 to 10 ms. Wave V latency increased and wave V amplitude decreased with decreasing minimum pulse intervals, with no significant effect of the type of sequence (MLS vs LGS), and no significant interaction between sequence and minimum pulse interval in terms of wave V amplitude or latency. In a second experiment, the minimum pulse interval was held constant at 4 ms, while MLS and LGS levels were varied from 20 to 60 dB nHL. With increasing click intensity, there is a decrease in wave V latency and an increase in wave V amplitude. There was no significant effect of type of sequence (LGS vs MLS) or interaction between type of sequence and stimulus intensity for wave V amplitude or latency. Despite the obvious violation of the assumptions (linearity and stationarity) underlying the application of maximum length sequence analysis and Legendre sequence analysis, both techniques produced reliable responses remarkably similar in morphology to evoked responses obtained by conventional averaging. The results of these experiments support the possibility that analysis methods based on pseudorandom pulse sequences may prove more efficient in data collection and provide a more thorough description of the electrophysiologic behavior of the auditory system compared to conventional averaging.