Nitrogen relationships and residual effects of intercropping sorghum with legumes

SUMMARY: Intercropped with legumes, sorghum removed more N from the growing medium than when grown alone. 16N data showed that out of the total N removed by sorghum in a sorghum + mung mixture 18·1% was derived from the fertilizer urea and 81·9% came from the soil pool; the latter included 21·9 % N derived from current fixation by the legumes. When grown alone sorghum plants derived 18·6 % N from urea and 81·4 % from the soil.The yield of wheat grown in sequence was 5·13 t/ha after a previous sole crop of mung and 3·47 t/ha after sorghum. The yield of wheat after sole crops of legume was greater than after their mixture with sorghum. The latter was, however, greater than its yield after sole sorghum.The economic optimum rate of N required after wheat, computed from an experiment with several rates of applied N on an adjacent plot, was 124 and 105 kg N/ha at expected yields of 5·2 and 4·5 t/ha of wheat respectively. By interpolation the relative yield advantage from sole legumes ranged between 28 and 68 kg N/ha in 1982–3 and was more than 90 kg N/ha in the next year. These advantages from legume + non-legume mixtures equalled 12–17 kg N/ha applied to wheat, in addition to 50 kg N/ha applied uniformly to the sequential crop of wheat.

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