An attempt is made to give a general account for some of the excited levels of 4n-type self-conjugate light nuclei, especially for characteristic low-lying 0+ levels and also for the 2+ levels which appear not too far above the 0+ levels in every case except the O16 ground state. It is pointed out that these 2+ levels may arise from the same configuration as the lower lying 0+ states which are considered to be deformed. The degree of deformation is estimated from the 0+2+ energy separation and found to correspond to quite high deformations in some cases. The 6.06-Mev, 0+, pair emitting state in O16, which is considered to be a "hole configuration" by Christy and Fowler, may be deformed and is suspected to have a shape like a line of four alpha particles. Also, a rotation-like series of levels with spins and parities, 0+, 1, 2+, 3, and 4+ among the highly excited states of Mg24 which appears to correspond to a series expected for a linear rotator with six alpha particles in a line is discussed. With Ne20, indications of medium-deformed states are found. Analogous discussions on the levels in Be8 and C12 are tried although the experimental evidence is less conclusive.

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