Synaptonemal complex karyotyping in Melanoplus Differentialis

The chromosomal axes of the spermatocytes of the grasshopper Melanoplus differentiate have been studied with a modification of the microspreading procedure used previously. The whole complement of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and the axis of the X chromosome have been described and measured. The relative length of each SC is characteristic and constant and permits the construction of an idiogram. Relative lengths of SCs are almost equal to the relative lengths of mitotic chromosomes of spermatogonia (with the exception of the X chromosome), thus extending to an invertebrate the relationship between SCs and mitotic chromosomes that has been demonstrated in mammals. All the SCs except the 3 smallest (which are apparently telocentric) show a small short arm beyond the kinetochore. The progression of changes in the chromosomal axes during meiotic prophase has been staged by centriolar behaviour. During leptotene, axes are first formed near the nuclear envelope at a special (polar) region. SCs also begin to appear in the polar region and extend towards the nuclear interior. The beginning and completion of synapsis is not synchronous among bivalents. The X-axis is formed in midzygotene and shows a characteristic sequence of changes in shape during pachytene. Cells in post-synaptic stages show whole chromosome complements with characteristic chiasmatic configurations. Kinetochores are prominent and bipartite during diplotene-diakinesis.