“Disappearing” spinal cord compression: Oncolytic effect of glucocorticoids (and other chemotherapeutic agents) on epidural metastases

Four patients suffering spinal cord compression resulting from epidural metastases were treated with adrenocorticosteroid hormones. For 2 patients, prompt relief of symptoms followed glucocorticoid therapy alone and was associated with marked shrinkage or disappearance of the metastasis, a direct oncolytic effect of the steroids. For the other 2 patients, glucocorticoids combined with other chemotherapeutic agents caused disappearance of the extradural tumor. For 1 patient, failure to recognize the oncolytic effects of the chemotherapy led to an unnecessary surgical procedure, and for a second patient an unnecessary operation was narrowly averted. Thus, for certain patients, glucocorticoids may occasionally have a marked oncolytic effect on epidural metastatic tumors.