The Selective Use of Antilymphocyte Serum for Cyclosporine Treated Patients with Renal Allograft Dysfunction

Eighty-seven adult renal allograft recipients were initially treated with cyclosporine-prednisone immunosuppression. Thirty patients experienced no episode of rejection. Antilymphocyte antibody therapy (ALS) was administered to 21 of the 68 recipients of cadaveric donor allografts for either primary allograft dysfunction or acute rejection, and to 6 of 19 recipients of haploidentical, living-related allografts because of steroid-resistant rejection. The cumulative allograft and patient survival for the entire series (follow-up 9–36 months) was 84% and 95%, respectively. This improvement in the rate of successful transplantation can be attributed to the selective addition of ALS therapy to recipients with specific instances of renal allograft dysfunction. In this report, the indications for the use of ALS preparations following prophylactic CsA immunosuppression are reviewed. Experience with the protocols of the ALS administration is also discussed. In selected cases, the administration of either ATG or OKT3 can significantly benefit CsA recipients who experience either primary allograft nonfunction or an epidose of acute rejection.