Long-Term Prognosis of Stage I Ovarian Carcinoma

Objective: There are a few long-term follow-up studies of patients with stage I ovarian carcinoma. The objective of this study was to evaluate prognostic factors for long-term survival. Methods: Two hundred fourteen stage I ovarian carcinomas (registered by the Tokai Ovarian Tumor Study Group from 1988 to 1999) were analyzed. Staging according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics was set without considering the pathologic findings of the lymph nodes. Stage Ic was divided into Ic(b) and other Ic. Results: Seventy-four patients were stage Ia, 2 were stage Ib, and 138 were stage Ic, consisting of 75 Ic(b) and 63 other Ic patients. The ratios of stage Ic to Ia and stage Ic(b) to Ic were highest in clear-cell adenocarcinoma among histologies analyzed. There were significant differences in disease-free survival curves between each group. In clear cell adenocarcinoma, there was a significant difference in disease- free survival curves between stage Ic(b) and other Ic (p = 0.0373), while this tendency was also observed in other histologies except for mucinous carcinoma. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that substage was a significant prognostic factor of both disease-free and overall survival. Conclusions: Stage Ic(b) patients showed poorer survival than stage Ia patients but better than survival in other Ic. Thus, cautious treatment of ovarian tumor during surgery is quite important to avoid rupture.