Model Prediction of Anisotropic Behavior of Boston Blue Clay

This paper investigates predictive capabilities of the effective stress soil model MIT‐E3 (described in a companion paper) through detailed comparisons with laboratory test data for Boston blue clay (BBC). The main focus of these evaluations is predictions of anisotropic stress‐strain behavior using data from two special laboratory shear devices: the directional shear cell (DSC), and the multi‐directional direct simple shear apparatus (MDSS). Input parameters are first estimated from standard types of laboratory data, including one‐dimensional (K0) compression and undrained triaxial shear tests. The DSC is a plane strain apparatus with the additional capability of controlling principal stress directions during shear. Measurements in this device include undrained shear tests with principal stress rotations at OCR=1, and with fixed stress direction but different principal stress orientation at OCR=4. The MIT‐E3 model describes accurately the observed variations in undrained shear strength and stress‐strain ...

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